1. Fan Inverter, Water Pump InverterThe AS160 frequency inverter is classified into fan inverter and water pump inverter according to its application. Our water pump inverter is a newly developed AC drive for industrial and civil use water pumps.
    1. Servo DriveAS210 servo drive refers to a controller for servo motor. It has the same function to a servo motor as that an AC drive to an AC motor.
    1. Construction Elevator Inverter1. Our frequency inverter is equipped with a built-in elevator timing sequence, a main contactor and an inverter control brake. 2. It supports UPS to achieve ARD function and is able to lift the drive to light load direction through automatic control. 3. Since new PWM dead zone compensation technology is applied in our elevator frequency inverter, damage to the motor is effectively reduced. 4. Multiple methods for frequency presetting are available to this construction elevator inverter to meet the needs of complex working conditions. 5. Automatic slip compensation can reduce the effects that load fluctuation has on the motor speed change so as to achieve accurate floor landing.
    1. High Voltage InverterAS800 high voltage inverter is an energy saving and environmental friendly IGBT variable frequency inverter designed based on international advanced electrical, electronic and vector control technologies.
    1. Elevator Door InverteriAStar-S2 elevator door inverter, as its name indicates, is a frequency inverter especially for elevator door control and other types of automatic door control as well. It is designed based on vector control and V/F control technologies, and features compact and rational structure, small size, simple wire connection, and easy testing and commissioning, etc. Users can also choose an elevator door inverter with parameters compatible with their doors, thus avoiding testing and commissioning on site. While designing, we give the highest attention to varied application demands of end users, so our elevator door inverters have multiple functions, simple use and high operation safety standard.

Add.: No.599, Meiyu Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, 201802, China.
Fax: +86-21-31010649
Tel.: +86-21-31010610